We Review Flying High Soaring Above Tragedies Of Life

By Susan Cox

The book got us thinking. Our thoughts jump from one good thing to a bunch of the bad excessively that it made our heads hurt. Maybe we got triggered by the reviews we have seen about this book or maybe we have just prolonged something. We are not sure. But when you realize that depression has always been there even back then and that no one has a magical or scientific way of getting rid of it until now, you think. You think a lot. They are not nice thoughts but what can we do? At least Katy is Flying High Soaring Above Tragedies Of Life.

They say that doctors and scientists are still working on finding a cure about cancer. Same goes for AIDS or HIV. People die unfairly to those diseases and they are still looking for a way to stop them. But if you ask us, they should really look for a way to stop depression and anxiety instead. These days, people die to those a lot more than usual.

When your life does not want to cooperate with you and decides it wants you to be as messed up as possible, what do you do? You family loved alcohol too much and likes to take it out on you. Your first husband killed himself, leaving you with a kid. Your second husband died after healing your heart.

Seriously, how does one come back from that? How are you still standing after all the things the universe throws at you? You have to be so emotionally damaged and crippled at this point. All you have left is your son to stand as a beacon of light in your darkness but you also have to work hide to hide your darkness from that light.

That is trait people would envy in this generation. To be honest, if we were thrown in that situation, we shamefully admit that we would have given up before we could have achieved any form of happiness. In 2018, depression is so common and dangerous. There is always this fear of losing someone you love because of it.

Sometimes, we wish we were gods instead. They are beautiful, powerful and immortal. They do not have the same mental issues as we do and they scoff at the thought of death because it does not come naturally to them.

If we were gods, would we be better? All of us? With that kind of power and immortality, are we going to go crazy with those or do we come out on top better than ever? Maybe Katy has been a goddess all this time. Her life seems like a Greek Tragedy already.

Alright, turning all of us into gods and goddesses would have been a terrible idea. Especially when the majority of the people out there, us including, would abuse the transformation. Our species like to exploit after all.

We cannot say for sure. Everyone has a limit and we are rather glad that she did not reach hers in the long run. There might have been events that made her want to quit but her kid is what kept her going.

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