Choice Of New Books For Women Readers

By Mattie MacDonald

Surveys have been conducted throughout history about the reading habits of males and females. A fairly consistent finding is that females read more than males and they read more fiction than males. One theory attributes this to the way their brains are wired which helps them to identify with imagined characters more than men. New books for women readers are being written every day and they are easily accessible at online stores.

Surveys have also established that male and female reading habits are rather different. While females tend to find it difficult to put a book down once they have started reading, males do not seem to have this problem. Many of them admit to leaving a book or two unfinished. They prefer non-fiction on the whole and often read more technical literature aimed at solving problems or teaching them how to do something.

This is probably why it is possible to find websites entirely devoted to the reading needs of females. They provide a platform where information can be exchanged and suggestions given about what to read. There are many different ways in which this can take place, such as participation in discussion groups or review writing. Of course, there are many other websites selling novels that do not distinguish between genders and a filtered search easily leads users to suitable content.

Matching users with suitable content is the aim of most of these websites. Novels are broken down into many categories, enabling a search to be conducted in a variety of ways. This allows users to find exactly what they are looking more easily. They do not have to wade through thousands of novels to find one that is suitable.

Helpful ways of discovering fresh authors and newly released novels are also available. For example, once all the novels written by a particular author have been read, another author writing the same type of novels may be suggested. It is also possible to read many reviews, some written by experts and others by fellow readers. Various novels are also highlighted, such as bestsellers or pick of the week.

Females are often drawn to novels written by other females, particularly if the central character is also a female. Many themes in these novels relate directly to females. Female cops, detectives and forensic pathologists solve crimes, fantasy heroines show their power and courageous survivors of abuse, violence and illness tell their inspiring stories.

Males often cannot fathom why females enjoy reading romance. However, the popularity of this genre amongst females of all ages and educational backgrounds is unquestionable. Even those who enjoy the most intellectual, serious literature may enjoy a dip into fantasy and romance at times. Sometimes life is so demanding that indulging in a little lighthearted entertainment provides a great change of pace.

Mystery, crime, adventure, romance, memoirs and fantasy are just some of the many genres available. Every woman will find something that appeals to her whether she enjoys heartrending tales or psychological thrillers. Buying books is easier than ever before with the many online stores available today. It is even possible to find those with reduced prices and other special offers.

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