How To Reduce Your Use Of Harmful Household Cleaning Products

By Laura Phillips

If you are concerned about the negative effects that chemicals can have on your health you may be surprised to find out that the air inside your home can be just as polluted, if not more so, than the environment that surrounds you when you step out the door. One of the ongoing reasons for the presence of toxins in your home is harmful household cleaning products. Here are some tips to minimize their use and information that will help you separate safe products from those that can have an adverse effect on your health.

While most people think that they only way these products can harm you is to breathe them in but there are other ways that your health can be negatively effected. For example, some may leave residues behind that could be harmful to yourself or to your pets while others may cause issues if they come into contact with your bare skin. It is not uncommon for individuals to end up with red, irritated hands or eyes if they come into direct contact with some cleansers.

One way that you can avoid harmful effects from your cleaning products is to wear protective gear. Many people choose to wear rubber gloves while they clean so that they cannot absorb toxins through their skin. If you find that the cleaning products you use make you cough and seem to bother your breathing you might want to wear a mask instead.

You may want to ensure that you have enough ventilation if you are cleaning with chemical-based products. As some fumes are only harmful when they have had a chance to build up, opening windows or putting on exhaust fans may help reduce these harmful effects.

Mixing cleaners is often a very bad idea. This can happen easily if you are pouring cleaning products from larger bottles into smaller ones. Mixing the wrong products can cause explosions, fires from chemical reactions, or the release of toxic fumes like chlorine gas. Some people have been seriously injured when they combined bathroom cleaner with toilet bowl cleaner. Clear labeling of your products is very important.

In the past, the number of natural products was fairly limited and it was often necessary to buy them online or from special dealers. The products were often much more expensive and were not always effective. Now, however, this has changed. A number of well-known manufacturers have introduced natural options that do not rely on chemicals to give them their cleaning abilities.

Many individuals are using products that they make themselves in order to clean their homes naturally. In the past, vinegar, baking soda and other natural ingredients were used to clean and sanitize homes without harmful chemicals. If you are interested in going this route, there are many websites that feature recipes you can make yourself.

Replacing toxic cleansers with natural ones may not be all you need to do in order to remove pollution from your home but it is definitely a great first step. Many of the sites that offer cleaning products also have tips and tricks that you can use to keep your home looking its best without putting your health at risk.

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