Slavery Biography And The Life Of Slaves

By Sandra Ward

Anyone whom has ever studied history most likely knows about the early days of America and the American Slave trade. There were only a few slaves whom left behind documentation related to the life and times during that era. While this is the case, there were others, including one publicist and writer, whom also provided a great deal of information in a slavery biography.

While well known slaves such as Harriet Tubman and Charles Thompson provided some information as to the slave era, there is still a lot missing from the archives. As such, it is good that other people are now writing about the atrocities of that period. Otherwise, many people may never have an understanding as to how to prevent slavery from taking hold again in the future.

One of the most well known individuals to work for the freedom of slaves is that of William Lloyd Garrison. According to author Jim Powell, Garrison was one of the greatest publicists and writers during that time. For, while others had attempted to work towards an end to the atrocities taking place, there was no actual Abolitionist movement until after Mr. Garrison was born.

While there has been a number of stories related to the history of the slave era along with film and television shows, there have been many oversights. For example, in the late 1700s, it almost appeared as if the slave era was coming to an end. For, during that time Northern states had already started to abolish slavery.

Unfortunately, during that same time, there began a demand for cotton which could be produced and delivered in different areas of the south. As such, the first cotton gin is often considered the catalyst which resulted in slavery continuing into the 1800s. For, in 1803, the Louisiana Purchase gave way to fertile ground on which cotton could be grown. As a result, this new and fertile land needed workers and created a rise in the population of southern slaves.

Later, when Garrison started fighting for the release of these individuals, there were two views with regards to a possible outcome. One being that slaves would be set free without pay and could either stay on as farm workers in exchange for room board, basically meaning nothing changed. Whereas, the other would be that, individuals once released would be sent back to Africa.

While Garrison most likely contributed to the freedom of slaves, few people realize the young publicist was also responsible for determining how to do so. While it was Mr. Garrison whom started the Abolitionist movement, it is often President Abraham Lincoln and the First Congress of 1875 which gets the most credit. For, it was during that year when the president provided the Emancipation Proclamation freeing all American slaves.

Even though this is the case, it is probable that articles published by Mr. Garrison in "The Liberator, " the only abolitionist newspaper of the time had some impact on congress and President Lincoln doing so. For, others, including well known authors, columnists and other public figures took great pride in praising all involved when it came to liberating the slaves.

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