The Services Of A Legal Writing Coach

By Essie Osborn

Lawyers are always needed to write their presentations in a specialized way. Their writings need to bring out the full expression of their analysis of various problems or issues and be able to convince third parties when representing their clients. The main point is that the documents needs to be concise, clear and following the rules and regulations set by the legal profession. This is where a legal writing coach comes in.

The writings are normally divided into two types. There is that which needs a balanced analysis of the legal problem being handled. It can therefore include letters being sent to the client and inter-office memoranda. In order to do it in the best way possible, the attorney has to take into consideration the level of interest, needs and background of the individuals being sent the document.

When addressing the two parties mentioned above, the lawyer will do so in a different way. For example, with the client he needs to explain technical terms used in the document in order to avoid a state of confusion. This is, however, not the case with the other lawyer being addressed in the office. If he does so, then it will only be amounting to inefficiency and may even annoy him.

The other type of writing is the persuasive one. This includes writings such as negotiation letters being sent on the behalf of the client and appellate briefs. Here, the lawyer needs to put out his point straight without arousing any provocations by making the other party to feel disrespected. He should also not write unnecessary information to the individual as this would be just a waste of time. If a document is being presented to an administrative agency or a court of law, then it must be written in the right style.

Contracts and wills drafted by lawyers need to be written in the best way possible. They need to present the interests of the client well and this is the reason why they have to be written with much keenness. There are guides that lawyers can use when writing them in order to ensure the right form is achieved.

Training coaches help lawyers in mastering the concept of legal writing. Once one has undergone the training, their documents can be better understood by experienced readers as they are able to get the right information from them as well as evaluate any cited authorities in the document. A lawyer can therefore learn about the format of citations in line with court rules on how they are supposed to be done.

In most coaching sessions, the coach meets one-on-one with the clients while reviewing projects they have done before for structure, style and substance. These analyses are meant to make the client learn various techniques employed in self-editing. By this, they help to nature the legal talent of the clients.

If you therefore join a coaching program, you may have to submit your project for review. It is after this that the coach will check on the substance of the argument in it as he edits it. Other programs involve the coach editing the whole document first on a line-by-line formula while checking for grammar. They then go ahead and check the tone, logic, structure, tone, integrity, balance and persuasiveness before giving their comments.

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